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Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math May 27, 2003 · By definition, if x b = a then log a = x b In this case, if x 2 = 8 then log 8 = x 2 To find a logarithm, you would typically use a calculator or table of logarithms (in much the same way that you'd find the sine or cosine of an angle, and for much the same reason). 2 x 24+2$ for Noller - pokernet.dk Nov 08, 2009 · Det er en gammel deal som jeg har haft kørende med Florczak. Denne tråd er faktisk nem nok og se at det ik er en spiller som staker, da han skriver det er for mig. DD Poker DD Poker forum. A place for DD Poker customers to discuss DD Poker in an unmoderated free-for-all environment. Event 176509: Other - 2x Partypoker's Omaha Series & 4x